EPTlib v0.4.4

EPTlib is an open source, extensible collection of C++ implementations of electric properties tomography (EPT) methods.

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Getting started

The binaries of EPTlib for different operative systems can be downloaded here.

Alternatively, EPTlib can be built directly from its source.

The EPTlib application

The EPTlib application allows applying the implemented EPT methods on input data. It is a terminal application that can be run by typing

EPTlib_app <filename>.toml

where <filename> must be replaced with the name of the configuration file for the case of interest.

Details on the set-up of the configuration file are provided in the Settings page.


A tutorial that shows how to use the EPTlib application with Python is available here. The tutorial is a short Jupyter notebook where the input pre-processing, the configuration setup and the result analysis are performed for a simple case study.

List of implemented methods

The following methods are currently implemented in EPTlib and can be executed from the EPTlib application.

Stable methods:

  1. Helmholtz EPT
  2. Convection-reaction EPT
  3. Gradient EPT

Experimental methods:

  1. Phase-based Helmholtz EPT with automatically selected kernels

The EPTlib application allows also to apply a post-processing filter at the end of the EPT reconstruction or as a stand-alone filtering procedure.


If you use EPTlib in your work, please cite: “A. Arduino. EPTlib: an open-source extensible collection of electric properties tomography techniques. Applied Sciences, 11(7):3237, 2021. DOI: 10.3390/app11073237

About the project

EPTlib is © 2020-2024 by Alessandro Arduino, INRiM.


EPTlib is distributed by an MIT license.


EPTlib has been developed in the framework of the 18HLT05 QUIERO Project. This project has received funding from the EMPIR Programme, co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

Copyright © 2020-2024 Alessandro Arduino, INRiM. Distributed by an MIT license.

Page last modified: Aug 29 2024 at 10:31 AM.